I remember from my childhood a delicate linen tablecloth embroidered with white thread by my grandmother who was a professional embroiderer. When I recently took out the "linen" paper from the Lemonade masculine collection, it reminded me of that tablecloth and the idea was born in my mind to create something like it on paper :-) And so I made this stamp-embroidered wedding card for my today's post:
Wybrałam cytat ślubny w ozdobnej ramce i embossowałam go białym pudrem do detali:
I selected a wedding quotation in a decorative frame and embossed it with white detail ep:
Na arkuszu tła pod cytatem odbiłam w kwadrat delikatny border, tworząc kolejną ramkę:
On the background paper I stamped a delicate border in a square making another frame:
Na koniec poszczególne warstwy ozdobiłam kryształkami, by dodać trochę blasku:
And finally I decorated the layers with crystals to add some glam:
Proste, ale bardzo efektowne, prawda?
Simple but really impressive, isn't it?
4 komentarze:
Ale pięknie to wydziergałaś! :-)
O jaka cudowna!
Efekt fantastyczny!
Bardzo dziękuję :)
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